How to Keep Your Computer/Laptop Keyboard Clean

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You use your computer almost everyday, right? Have you ever looked closely at your computer or laptop keys? Have they become dirty?, dust, dirt or some unidentified stuff coat the keys and build up underneath if you don't clean them regularly. Sometimes if not cleaned for long time, the mixture of spilled drinks and crumbs can stop functioning of keys. Cleaning of computer keys is very easy and should be done regularly. Here is how you can get rid of those sticky and dirty keys and make them shinny as if they are new keys.


Before you began your cleaning process, make sure that you have unplugged your computer from power source or if you are cleaning your laptop or netbook keys then turn them off.


After you turn off. Just turn the keyboard over and shake it, large amount of dust must have accumulated underneath the keys if your keyboard was not cleaned for prolonged time. As you shake out any loose debris, make sure you keep something under like large piece of old news paper.


When you don't clean your keyboard regularly or for long time then slowly-slowly dust starts accumulating on and underneath the keys which can make typing unpleasant. You can make use of a small soft-bristled dusting brush for daily maintenance which is not difficult to use. Regularly using of brush will help you to get rid of dust between keys.


Using your computer keyboard almost everyday can breed a whole different kind of filth on your keyboard keys. You can make use of disinfectant sprays but be wary because many of them are strong enough that you may not like to keep them in your hand for long time. Do not use any harsh cleaning solutions, try to use electronics-friendly sprays.


Whenever you are cleaning your keyboard keys, clean them from underneath, to do so, you need to pop off the keys which is quite easy to do and clean them thoroughly. You can use small screwdriver and carefully pry up keys. Don't remove large keys like spacebar, enter, backspace, shift because putting them back can be difficult for you.


Remove dust and debris from vents with the help of a soft-bristled wet toothbrush, it will make them as if they're new. If compressed air is not available or if you don't have then you can use these method which is quite effective and safe too.


After you pop off the keys, wash them in warm water or you can use cotton swabs. You can use cotton swabs even if you haven't removed or if you're finding it difficult to remove keys from your keyboard, it will help you to get rid of those sticky keys. After cleaning them, just place each key on it's correct position and press it till you hear a snap.


If you think your keyboard keys still have grimy spots, you can use pencil eraser. You may think that it won't work but in the end you'll be surprised as how these small pencil rubber peels off dirt from keys. Be wary, as small eraser can fall between keys and get stuck inside. After placing all the keys back to their positions, check whether all keys are functioning properly.

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