How to Check If a Website is Fake or Not?

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Many people want to earn some money by working at home online on the internet. The internet is full of opportunities to make some passive income but there are risk of various scams too. Some people don't read the terms and conditions fully and just by seeing their huge banners, images of cheque and by reading 2-3 lines on website join them hoping that they will earn. Actually nowadays there are many such websites who just attract people by showing them huge banners, few images of payed cheque and don't show the actual work which has to be done to earn money from their site or to start your earnings. There are only few websites who really gives money and openly shows conditions and the kind of work which has to be done to earn such as Google Adsense which shows proofs of their payments.
So before signing up at any website do check whether that website is indeed legitimate. Here are ways to check them :-


Whenever you join or sign up for any website, first thing you should do is to check reviews of that website. Searching on Google is the best option, if that website is been existing from many years than you will definitely get reviews regarding that website, even if that website is new you'll get some information.


Every website has a contact page where its phone number, Email ID, company address would be there. If it's a fake website then they wont have a contact page or even if they have, they wont put real phone number, address. This really helps to verify whether website is genuine or fake.


Check the Alexa rank of that website. It is a web information website which provides the information of any website, it provides the information about the popularity of that website in terms of traffic. If that website is genuine than definitely it would be having a huge amount of traffic. This Alexa provides details of any website on the basis of web browsing activities done by people who have installed the Alexa toolbar in their computer or web browser. By viewing the traffic stats of that website one can easily judge whether that website is fake or not.


Every genuine and authentic website has its URL starting from HTTPS and a website receives a HTTPS after putting a digital certificate on its server, and in order to get that digital certificate, the owner of that website will have to authenticate himself by providing his personal information to the SSL authority. If that website is fake than the owner of that website wont get any digital certificate from an authorized SSL registrar.


This is an another way to verify about website. There are number of valuable forums running on the internet, one can ask question about any website in any forum and if anyone is interested in answering them then you will easily be able to judge whether the website is fake or not.


If that website is genuine than definitely if would have its own page or account on Facebook, Twitter or some where else where their fans must be following them and also through this they try to increase their traffic.

If you have any suggestions or would like to share something then feel free to share.

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